Veluia Community Project Logo


Community Project

"We create a community driven privacy respecting Ecosystem"


Members: 24

Projects: 4

Budget: 50 $

Who we are

The Veluia Community Project is a user driven digital Ecosystem about to change the world. We have the mission to giving back the internet power from the big data collecting companies to the users. Therefor we provide, besides the community aspect, a ton of privacy respecting and secure alternatives like our Search Engine or our Browser. Join now and get a Member of something bigger. Of course everything is absolutely free.

Some Values


The Veluia Project has a Ecosystem like structure. We are developing different solutions and places in the internet from Apps and Programms over Services to just a friendly community to have a great time. But we are more. At the same time we are a movement and protest against all those stealing private data and selling it for profit and all the other practises done by big companies or governments.


Like the name Veluia Community Project teases we are a community driven project. We build up a oasis of people caring about their rights and safety on the internet as well as a greate place to just be who you are and chat, talk and discuss with others. Everybody is welcome <3

Privacy + Anonymity

All of your data is collected and sold everyday by using Apps and Services from big companies. We try to protect your data and give you the controll. All our projects aim to be completely private and grant you as much anonymity as possible.


Our aim is that the users can decide democraticly what they want most. Therefore there will be surveys and the decision with the higher procentage will be realized. Although we provide every financial incomes and expenses so we can decide as an community what we spend the money on.

Our Projects

Here is a list of projects we are working on. All of this solutions have the goal of beeing completely secure and privacy respecting. And of course every service is completely free.

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Veluia Search Engine

We develop a completely private and secure browser. Many other popular browsers collect tons of data and send it to big companies. Stop this now and start a new gate into internet with you browser data beeing yours.

(in development)

Veluia Browser

We develop a completely private and secure browser. Many other popular browsers collect tons of data and send it to big companies. Stop this now and start a new gate into internet with you browser data beeing yours.

(in development)

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Veluia Maps

We develop a completely private and secure browser. Many other popular browsers collect tons of data and send it to big companies. Stop this now and start a new gate into internet with you browser data beeing yours.

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Veluia AI Chat

We develop a completely private and secure browser. Many other popular browsers collect tons of data and send it to big companies. Stop this now and start a new gate into internet with you browser data beeing yours.

(in development)

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Support Us

Discover different ways to support the project and make it better

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Join Us

As a Member you are a official Part of the Veluia Project and you can access all benefits comming with this.

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We are completely free so it is hard to pay our bills like the server costs and many more. By donating you help us a lot and make more projects and updates possible. If you want, you as well get mentioned on our Supporters page. Thanks 🙂

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Follow on other Platforms

Stay connected and learn about the project. You get our latest news, announcements and more opportunities. Although we can grow even faster with every follower.

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Share the Project / Tell your Friends

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Use our Projects/Software

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Use our Links and visit Store/Merch

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Vote democraticly/Share your ideas/Tell us your opinion

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Vote democraticly/Share your ideas/Tell us your opinion

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Get Involved

If you partner with us, you of course get mentiond and credited on our Team page and on every work you done. Lets create something big.

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Content Creator / Writer

Are you interested in creating social media contend or have good writing skills?

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Partner & Influencer

Do you have a company, brand or a large audience (Influencer) and wanna start a partnership with us? Just contact us we would love to work together and build up something great. Doesn´t matter if it is your Logo in the Project or a working together in many different branches.

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Developers are the heart of an good working program. Do you have some free time and want to enhance and create new features and projects for an awesome community? We´re looking forward for you.

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Tester / Voltuneer

Are you interested in testing new features and help us getting feedback faster? Get in touch.

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Social Media Manager

Do you have fun posting on Social Media, building up a page and interact with other users? Then you can apply as an Social Media Manager and you get one of our Pages where you can help grow the project.

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Help us provide our Website, Projects and Newsletter in your language as well. We want to be available in all languages one day.

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Speaker and Marketing

You want to introduce Veluia to the world and spread the vision and mission?

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Do you have a company or brand interested in working with us and believing in our vision? Contact us right away we are happy for every Sponsor. As well you of course get featured in our Ecosystem and the Sponsor Page. You can even get you own /yourname page.

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You/Your company is interested in beeing featured? Contact us. You get your own page as well as many more benefits.

* Every task in the „Get Involved“-Tab are non paid and just for voltuneers. Currently we are to small to pay more people but this could change in the future. If you wanna help anyway we are looking forward to you and our partnership. Let´s create something great together.


Find some answers to your questions.

Yes, of course we are on all popular Social Media sites like Instagram and Facebook.

No, we are a community project, so every service and tool is completely for free.

We want to create a community driven, privacy respecting, open and powerful alternative to big companies. As well as giving back the digital power to the users.

There are many way to be part of the project.

There are many ways to support us. The easiest way is to become a member (completely free), we get stronger with everyone joining. If you want to go further you can aks for becoming a developer, social media partner, … (see a list of tasks here). Another way is to donate and supporting the project financially.

Yes, we appreciate every partner. Just contact us here 🙂

We have a community forum where everybody can ask questions. Don´t be shy, everybody is welcome.

We want to become a global player in the internet and create a user controlled Internet Ecosystem.

More Questions?

Become part of something bigger and lets change the world together <3